My dining roomMy dining room

I just realized I do not include my dining room ever I realized I don't really like my dining room as a whole , I love the table, which was honey pine when I got it , but knew it would be better painted cream and I love it, I like the chairs they are solid but I hate honey pine, I have painted two b…

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Progress reportsProgress reports

Now that there are two , Dolce the big one seems happy and playful, it will do him good to have a perky little friend, so far so good , puppy training is coming along quite well,opps he just peed on the floor, we made a trip to Niagara Falls and brought the Moe , he was so good, slept the whole way…

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The Dream HomeThe Dream Home

Since getting a puppy one week ago today , wow forgot just how much that would turn my life on its head but any way , the Little bugger fits right through the baby gates , I have always wanted a dutch door , well at least the bottom portion, for my kitchen door, while on my quest for good images of …

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Fun around the region for the holidays.Fun around the region for the holidays.

Since adding Moe to the family we are quite limited as to how long we can go out due to the frequent potty training efforts which is coming along quite well, therefore on my holidays we need to stay close to home , but I wanted to do some fun activities with the kids on my own.Although we didn't go…

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Beautiful things.Beautiful things.

These are a few of my favourite things......White , the bones should be white, I love painted walls, but the trim and lots of it should be white, beams , panelling , it all will do.......The floors must be wood, preferably dark and aged......Rugs must be striped , and their must be more and more st…

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Home design tips you can use.Home design tips you can use.

This post is growing today , I just thought of a couple more great things i have used and or discovered as useful over the years, like scrunchie's not the hair ones, but cord covers, a little fabric goes a long way , I don't like chains on light fixture so I have adapted by creating these cord cover…

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Cottage flavourCottage flavour

afterbeforeRecently on cityline one of my favourite designers Brian Gluckstien who is one of Canada's premiere Interior Designers, was showing a lesson on Cityline, where he showed a front exterior shot that so resembled my front window, and the insets had beadboard . Last year I tried the grey pai…

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Choosing paint colours.Choosing paint colours.

This is my daughters bathroom, it is perfect for two small girls, why not go for it , its just paint. Colour or color how ever you spell it from your neck of the woods, it is the most difficult choice for most , what color should the walls be the sofa, the wood floors the tile, it is a huge decisio…

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The Newest Member MoeThe Newest Member Moe

Yes that is Moe like in the Simpson's , not ,my choosing , but that's ok. I hope the puppy training goes smoothly and quickly, summer is the best time for me, my work load is slightly lighter and I work at home so training goes by quicker in these cases, so far so good, lots of outdoor pees and poop…

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