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Me myself and IMe myself and I

While visiting my Father over Christmas I was able to make a quick stop at my favorite fabric store , we used to live in the area where my Father now lives so it was nice to visit a familiar store that I am no so lucky to have near by where I now live. BB Bargoons , now called "in VU' , they have a…

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Plenty of prettyPlenty of pretty

I recently took a test to determine what my style is , they say my style is "romantic" but I would have to disagree , I believe my personal style would best be described as "traditional pretty chic" .I love time worn pieces like chippy painted tables, I love traditional style mouldings and its all …

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Having a happy busy ChristmasHaving a happy busy Christmas

We have been enjoying our girls , I am happy to say that we stayed in our pj's almost all of Christmas day , just as I had hoped for . We woke at 8:00 to these two faces and proceeded to open gifts and laze around . We bought the girls a video game for their xbox , it is called "your in the movies" …

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A well laid plan , so they say , what do they know ?A well laid plan , so they say , what do they know ?

I was inspired to make my annual sugar cookies , I was going to skip this because it is a big deal , it is a long haul ,and a big mess . Normally I do it on my own and my family enjoys my labours, I am not good at the excess mess , but my kids are getting older and I thought I should pass on my tric…

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Spring summer catalogueSpring summer catalogue

Is it just me or is this strange?…

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Up early and go go goUp early and go go go

After returning from my early cuppie drop off I just kept going and going , I have had there Ikea brackets since the summer I had intended on installing them at the base of my kitchen cabinets but couldn't figure out hoe to make them work , I didn't want to loose the full curve and install them to …

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This has been a very busy weekend for my cupppies business , I had a 2 doz reg plus 20 mini's for one order, the next day a 60 mini's order, this is quite a busy bakery these days , but I love it . Christmas themed mini's, dark green with little white balls , like little snowballs . We have had two…

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Putting some miles on the old faithful sewing machinePutting some miles on the old faithful sewing machine

Sophie brought home this lovely work of art , I was blown away , I framed it immediately , what a great addition. I spent many hours sewing these drapes , I used the cast off faux roman from the bathroom , pulled it all apart and sewed it onto the bottom , just for a detail . When I picked up this …

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