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Only a little more to goOnly a little more to go

I was able to make quite a bit more progress today, I ran out of primer so I was put on hold again , tomorrow being a holiday I will not be able to get much finished , probably a good idea but I would love to see it all completed. More than half way done , I am so happy to be able to say that , let…

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A little freshening is required at times.A little freshening is required at times.

On Friday afternoon I took the girls to Ikea , with many complaints from both , but I know they love it there , its fun they try everything out, we eat meatballs , Mason this time talked about the things she would have for her first apartment , she's 10...what is she thinking about this for , yikes…

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So far so good.So far so good.

I have made good progress and am now out of wood , which is good because if I had more I wouldn't stop but I need a break , I will continue on in the next week. I got up almost 13 rows yippy , all while catching up on my HGTV programs , well listening to them, I think this will be my favorite detai…

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Celine Dion babyCeline Dion baby

I was offered a chance to go and see Celine Dion with my sister in law Marissa , I was so excited to be able to go see Celine , she even sang our wedding song , that was nice, she is amazing really , she sounds better live , she is gorgeous , how is that possible, it was a great show , we had a sup…

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Step 1 panelled ceiling installationStep 1 panelled ceiling installation

Use a stud finder to find studs and mark all studs with pencil line or chalk line. Prime all boards with a shellac based primer to hide all knots from coming through the final paint coat , I used Zinsser B I N , two coats was recommended. This should take a while.The wood I have used is knotty pin…

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The ceilings are gonna finally get startedThe ceilings are gonna finally get started

I am excited to say that I have begun the process , I have some wood and the adhesive and the special primer to hide the knots forever, I look forward to looking up and admiring my shiny white bead board ceilings just like these . Can you say stiff neck ? I must wait 48 hours for the wood to accli…

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A new day is dawningA new day is dawning

I have very exciting news, tomorrow is my last day of working "day" care , I will as of Tuesday start working towards my dream of working as a decorator, this is such an exciting time for me , as I have dreamt of this since I was 15 years old , this has been a long time coming and this is my time to…

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CK InteriorsCK Interiors

I just wnated to point out that for any of you that check out my CK Interiors site that the address has changed to…

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After the painting marathonAfter the painting marathon

I thought I should show my after after , to remind you it was sort of a dull green khaki colour, which I was finding rather drab , so on a whim I tried a very rich blue , hated it , then went for a soft yellow beige as it looks to me . Antarctic Ice by Glidden . It is cheery soft and light just how…

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Wonderland, house warming and antique'sWonderland, house warming and antique's

What in the world is this well of course it is a string holder , you know doesn't everyone have a few of these around the house, so funny , I have never seen these before , they are quite charming , some were quite pricey this one was $45 but they went up to $95 so I passed today when I saw it at th…

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Mellow creamMellow cream

Here is the chaos who hates painting , well it is done at least the walls, now I must redo the trim , it needed doing anyway . Light bright and airy but still warm , I will be looking for something new above the settee there , I think the problem is that I was trying to use the things I have , but …

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The ever evolving living roomThe ever evolving living room

This room is ever changing , I can not tell you how happy painting the chair makes me , I tried to work more yellow in for the chair , but now it just looks like it was supposed to , it really makes me happy , the round table was moved in to this living because all the blues in the family were too …

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Paint problem solvedPaint problem solved

I am happy to share I have my new paint , I couldn't wait , my Mom is house/dog sitting and I can not bear the thought of an outsider (her friends) seeing my family room in its current state , so it will not be able to wait, I will tackle that tonight , look how nice a neutral , almost a white , bon…

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Chair appealChair appeal

That is a better picture ,the other looked a bit dreary. One more coat for the underside to hide any hints of yellow and it will be perfect. Inspiration of course. I am so pleased with this quick makeover , three years in the waiting , I have been wanting to paint this chair black that was the plan…

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beautiful inspirationbeautiful inspiration

I can not even imagine a room this large dedicated to utility , I can only imagine the size of the other rooms in this home. Can we say house keeper frequents this home. I love this kitchen so pretty , love the grey , a colour like that needs good light . What a charming home , all that outdoor spa…

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