After adding a pool to the yard it was feeling very crowded so I decided to do a littlere-arranging , I know shocking that is not like me at all, I moved the gazebo up onto the deck to make more room for the hammock area and for there to be a little patch of grass , turns out there was plenty of roo…
I always want to share with everyone the great deals I come across and this one has earned that honour . At the local Superstore near our house which is our grocery store , they sell lots of other goodies like clothing for the whole family and patio furniture in the summer as well as home decor and…
Who wants to wait?
Not my kids , they do not like to wait , for some people freezing cold water would cause them to rethink taking a dip but not my children, the water is currently 65 degrees and in they went to freeze their toes , ah it's good clean fun .We have a couple more feet of water to go , I of course undere…
Weekend musings
We had a quiet birthday celebration for Sophie, here she is thinking up a wish , she really enjoyed her birthday . I will show you how I made this 5 minute cake next week sometime, I know it is not a masterpiece but one does not always have time to bake and decorate an elaborate one and since I can…
Happy Birthday Dear Mason

Dear Mason ,When Dad and I got married we knew we would want kids right away , the time was finally right. We were so excited to find out the great news , we thought many times we would lose you , but you kept on growing and even stayed with me three more weeks than is normal , but it was all worth…
Birthday Girl
Dear Sophie ,I wish you a great and wonderful day today , on your Birthday , you were going to be born on your sister's birthday , but you would not accept that , you were going to have your own day , even if it was only the day before . My water broke right after I completed you sister's 3rd birthd…
Right Back At It
Don't you just love peonies , well I sure do , this is what I came home to on Monday a big jar of the most lushious pink peonies thanks to my SIL Janice , while she came to help out with the pups she graciously gave us these , how sweet , thanks Janice.I also want to say thank you to Lawrence for al…
Design Porn

Well come on in and enjoy some beautiful photos from one of my favorite magazines Canadian House and Home . This is probably the most wonderful detail I have ever seen in a house , this was the former editors own kitchen , she had the cupola built in glass to raise the ceiling as the ceilings were u…
Before and After
This is just for me , look how much they have grown since our last visit , I made them sit there for this picture , too bad I couldn't remember what side they were on , oh well. …
We are back from our adventures in Disney , heat wave '09 , I can not get over how hot the hot was , at first we thought we were weak and wimpy , but then the natives were having troubles with the weather as well , there was one day where you could not find a character no matter how hard y ou tried …