Wanting all you've got!Wanting all you've got!

I spend last evening searching for the perfect light to hang over my dining room table , I have spent many nights doing this , actually I found a lovely lantern , and it may be a contender , But I think I may be {happy with the one I've got !} , it is one of a kind , I love the clean look of the g…

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happy mondayhappy monday

this is the recovered seat cushion for the cane chair I am working on , beautiful sand colored linen. I have the first coat of paint on the frame of this cane chair I am making over for my in-laws , it is a creamy soft color , it is breathing new life into an old chair , it looks so much fresher al…

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Where have I been ?Where have I been ?

A little tweaking restored balance to the dining room , there is nothing like something being "off " to drive a detail oriented person a little batty... the dining table is no longer crammed unusually close to the window , I am not one to push a table out of the way , it deserves its rightful space…

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More decor for ChristmasMore decor for Christmas

I found these silver wreaths at Walmart and the glass ornaments shaped like light bulbs , i know I said no colored lights and technically they aren't lights , but they are darn cute . I added a second table top tree to the front room , we had these smaller trees already they normally go in the chil…

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Our winter wonderlandOur winter wonderland

Here is my little white tree , now why didn't we try it in this room before , it feels right at home , with all the white and the cottagey ceilings.... Is this the cutest polar bear or what , adorable... Perfect bears for my tinsel forest table scape... I pinned these felt ornaments to the roman bl…

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It is going to be a white ChristmasIt is going to be a white Christmas

I have decided to put up the Christmas tree today . I took the girls to Homesense for our annual outing to pick a special ornament for the tree , they are getting quite a collection , they pick something personal to themselves and will have a great start when they move on to start their own lives ,…

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I decided that the balls were destined for the exterior decor , the window box . I have experienced that leaving window boxes empty over the winter the soil will splash up in the rain and cause quite a mess, so I have dealt with it by covering the soil with garbage bags . I then added wired pine ga…

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