Den Haag ( The Hague ). A voyage to Den Haag, The Netherlands, Europe. Den Haag ( The Hague ). A voyage to Den Haag, The Netherlands, Europe.

Den Haag, officially known as ’s-Gravenhage (‘the Count’s Hedge’), is the Dutch seat of government and home to the royal family. Prior to 1806, Den Haag was the Dutch capital. However, that year, Louis Bonaparte installed his government in Amsterdam. Eight years later, when the French had been o…

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Santiago de Chile. A voyage to Santiago, Chile, South America.Santiago de Chile. A voyage to Santiago, Chile, South America.

On a clear day, fresh after winter showers, Santiago basks in one of the most spectacular settings of any city in the world. A glance through the downtown blocks reveals a mighty circle of mountains - the snowcapped Andean peaks to the east, and a smaller coastal range to the west - that frames …

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