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Brick-Force (Review)Brick-Force (Review)

Brick-Force is what happens when the people of Minecraft go to war. Brick-Force is a browser-based and/or downloadable first-person multiplayer shooter that has been doing the rounds for quite a while now. In more recent months the game's popularity has really picked up pace, especially when it laun…

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Grepolis (Review)Grepolis (Review)

Grepolis is a browser based strategy MMO set in Ancient Greece. Much like Ikariam, each player starts with a small town that eventually evolves into a powerful empire. The game also lets facebook users connect it to their profiles, thus making it easier to access the game without having to relog in …

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Godsrule: War of Mortals (Review)Godsrule: War of Mortals (Review)

Godsrule is a new browser-based strategy game from Sega and Gogogic. It’s currently in open beta and available to play on the open Web.Godsrule is a free-to-play social strategy game similar to those frequently seen on Facebook and elsewhere on the open Web. Players divide their time between buildin…

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Cultures Online (Review)Cultures Online (Review)

Cultures Online is a free browser game that puts you back in the Viking era. At first glance it reminds me of the most popular title – the settlers, which has been developed into a browser game by Ubisoft. Cultures Online is a free browser game with item shop support. Usually  you do not need to buy…

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Akaneiro: Demon Hunters (Review)Akaneiro: Demon Hunters (Review)

Akaneiro: Demon Hunters hacks and slashes its way through feudal Japan with a Red Riding Hood flair. No one puts a dark twist on a classic tale like American McGee. Having already put Alice through her action-horror paces a couple of times, the designer and his team at Spicy Horse Games turn to Re…

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Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances (Review)Command & Conquer Tiberium Alliances (Review)

In this free-to-play browser game, you can experience the Command and Conquer series like never before and show off your strategic skills to players around the world...In the online version of the latest in the Command and Conquer series, you will be faced with many different challenges which will p…

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Ontario. A voyage to Province of Ontario, Canada, North America - Ottawa, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, London, Markham, Vaughan, Kitchener, Windsor...Ontario. A voyage to Province of Ontario, Canada, North America - Ottawa, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Hamilton, London, Markham, Vaughan, Kitchener, Windsor...

Québec may be bigger, British Columbia may have more mountains, and Alberta is certainly flexing its economic biceps at the moment, but when it comes to culture, cuisine and sophistication, Ontario wins hands down. Sure, there are just as many empty, cold acres here as anywhere else, but when you…

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