France. A voyage to France, Europe.France. A voyage to France, Europe.

Welcome to France. A country that seduces travellers with its unfalteringly familiar culture woven around café terraces, village-square markets and lace-curtained bistros with their plat du jour (dish of the day) chalked on the board. Cultural Savoir-FaireFrance is all about world-class art and…

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Goals for good healthGoals for good health

Things have been really quiet on the blog front lately as I have not been up to much as far as decor is related.The one thing I have been trying to sort out if a wall color for my bedroom and a color for the living room. After a lot well 2 years of thinking, I have decided on the color for the bedro…

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Warm Up events for Shikihime Garden started by AppiritsWarm Up events for Shikihime Garden started by Appirits

Appirits, the Japanese developer and publisher of their simulation & card game Shikihime Garden has recently released the game’s English version and several warm up events to encourage new players on from March 10th to 25th 2014.Shikihime Garden is an original hybrid browser-based game of gardening …

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