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Our mother daughter Sweet 16 trip to New York CityOur mother daughter Sweet 16 trip to New York City

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to go to New York City....but who hasn't? When my kids were really young I thought it would be amazing to take them on a mother daughter trip to NYC for their sweet 16...a great bonding trip one on one. Well fast forward and this is the year for it to happ…

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"with hope the odd's don't matter"

Hi everyone,I wanted to take some time today to share a different kind of post a post about hope, hope against cancer a cancer called is caused by the exposure of asbestos...Well we've all heard of that especially in the home improvement world, while renovating old houses the issue…

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thinking outside the box with outdoor deck placementthinking outside the box with outdoor deck placement

I have been feeling very unproductive while I am healing my sprained ankles, if you missed that update you can read about it here. After reviewing all the work that we have completed here in just over 2 years I am just feeling relieved to have so many projects completed.Like this sun deck or party d…

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on the home front...on the home front...

sorry for keeping so quiet lately...not much has been going as as far as home improvement goes, we have been busy with birthdays girl Sophie turned 13 on the 26th of June one day before Mason turned 16...time has flown by We took the girls out for a joint dinner on Mason's birthday an…

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