Food for thought...making health a bigger priorityFood for thought...making health a bigger priority

If you have been following along with my blogs over the years you will see every so often I will get focused on health/weight for a post or two...well it must be that time again...hey at least I haven't given up completely right...I am more concerned with health but lets just say I would love to be …

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My dining room makeover from start to finish...built-ins, floors, DIY doors My dining room makeover from start to finish...built-ins, floors, DIY doors

I wanted to create a post and a quick link for my dining room project, a one stop resource of posts in case someone could benefit from all this info in one spot...Here is a reminder of how things started when we moved in almost 3 years ago...bland nothing but windows and high ceiling going for this …

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Ryobi cordless Airstrike brad nailer ReviewRyobi cordless Airstrike brad nailer Review

Last July shortly after attending the Power into spring blogger event for Ryobi I was sent a Ryobi airstrike brad nailer... lets just say I was really excited I had heard so many good things about this tool and I was so excited to give it a try.I wanted to really try it out before I shared a true re…

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Can we talk about Target...Can we talk about Target...

 Please consider signing this Petition to try and save Target Canada  When I heard the terrible news about Targets decision to close all their Canadian stores I honestly thought it was just a rumor...that couldn't be true...Target is literally my favorite store as well as one of my daughters favorit…

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