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 I know it has been a long while since I have posted on my blog but I have a good excuse. Life gets busy . Selling a house is very disruptive and life changing in fact it can be life halting. Because we have been essentially living in one room. The great room is where you will find us all at any given time, this is to save my sanity , because keeping a whole house show ready with two dogs and two kids is a difficult challenge to say the least. The house has never been so clean and tidy for so long . I mean we live pretty tidy but "showing clean" is a different thing.
We are feeling very happy with our decision to list with a local agent , she has been doing a great job for us , we hope to share some great news really soon . I think the end is near.

 Saturday my friend Lisa and I went on the Station Gallery Holiday House Tour , remember last year my house was on the tour as well. We headed out early and left poor Todd with the two girls and two dogs to keep out of the house for the whole day for an inspection and then an open house. Poor poor Todd , I know the kids really tested his inner strength. It's no fun to spend most of the day in a vehicle with two dogs and two kids ( there aren't too many places you can take both kids and dogs)
 After the Holiday tour I decided that it was time to put up the tree. I love my white Christmas tree , I purchased it a few years back at Walmart for $49.00 what a bargain. With the topper it stands at around 7 feet tall , it has an incredible glow.
 I am so far getting my Christmas wish for a green Christmas. It's Christmas time if it white or not , its just easier if it's green . I should really add some lights to the bunkie and a nice urn I think.
Last night Sophie gave me a revised Wish list , this is so helpful. Canada gave black Friday a try this year and we got some really good deals , whoo hoo !
During the House tour Saturday I visited Costco with Lisa to look for a great rain shower head and I finally caved and joined. After all they are building a Costco right here in our city , and I know they have great deals . I mean for the savings on summer flower hanging baskets alone it's worth it . I got an incredible deal on some Christmas gifts , that place is crazy though , really nuts. I have a problem with stock piling large quantities of things so I don't see an truck loads of mustard or toilet paper in my future.

Things on the new house front are going really well, looks like we will be in the house in February. We have met the drywall taper , he is so nice and has been semi living in our new house , he really seems to like it too , he is doing a great job. I have such respect for all the trades and people involved in creating our new home.
We have not been able to find the wood flooring we want . Well actually the finished on site pricing came in a $15,000 , and that is about double what we want to spend so that's a clear no!
I have been really stressing about the flooring , and not being able to find a deal.
We have decided to put in the standard carpet for the move in so as not to have any problems closing and to make the move in easier.This was a great suggestion from my Mother in Law. I will be getting that wood flooring in ASAP.

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