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The Big HoleThe Big Hole

The Big Hole - World Tourism will discuss about the The Big Hole. Maybe you do not believe this when you first see it. Yes, all this does not seem real and looks like a computer trick. But this is true, The Big Hole Kimberley Mine which is located in an underground mine located in Kimberley, South A…

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Northern Mariana Islands. A voyage to Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Pacific - Saipan, Tinian, Rota...Northern Mariana Islands. A voyage to Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Pacific - Saipan, Tinian, Rota...

 The Сommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) is currently undergoing massive change as its fiscally challenged capital Saipan painfully comes to terms with the loss of its lucrative Japanese tour market. But travel trends come and go; the charm of the islands endures. It's therefore y…

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outside is looking upoutside is looking up

 For a couple of weeks we have been enjoying a little more outside time, its not much but it  and is ours. We still are waiting for grass but the lot is now mostly graded and ready for sod, but it has been very hot and very dry so we have had to wait and live with dirt. We were fortunate to have thi…

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 London. A voyage to Olympic London, Еngland, United Kingdom, Europe. London. A voyage to Olympic London, Еngland, United Kingdom, Europe.

One of the world’s most visited cities, London has something for everyone, from history to culture, art, grand museums, dazzling architecture, royalty, diversity and irrepressible pizazz.Time TravelLondon is immersed in history. Not so much that it’s precious, but there’s sufficient antiquity and …

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