At first glance, Saipan can seem like a package-tour nightmare, a place where Chamorro culture has devolved, tour buses constantly patrol the sights, and solitude seems hard to come by. But catch the island at the right time and at the right angle (in the right place) and you'll be rewarded with some poignant experiences: flame trees in bloom; melancholy historical sights; turquoise waters and white sands; and fine diving and snorkelling. At some stage, you will need respite, though, and that's waiting just south of Saipan in the form of Tinian. This is a somniferous island, tiny in size but claiming a mighty chapter in world history: American B-29s flew from here to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. Tinian, for the most part, has escaped major development (although it does have an ostentatious casino) and its natural charms remain intact, like lovely beaches and rewarding hikes.