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Located just 90 miles from New York City, Philadelphia has long lived in Gotham’s overwhelming shadow. It existed as a sort of historic stage set, great for school trips to the Liberty Bell followed by lunches of Philly cheese steaks, but not much else worth traveling for, right? Wrong. In the late 1990s, then-mayor Ed Rendell (now Pennsylvania’s governor), picked Philly up by its lapels and shook it, infusing it with self-confidence, and subsequent mayors John Street and Michael Nutter have continued in that vein by revitalizing blighted neighborhoods. Experience the Philadelphia renaissance by strolling through a series of spiffed-up neighborhoods, exploring glorious Fairmount Park, catching a play or symphony or a night of live music or clubbing. Oh – and, while you’re at it, get a major dose of history, too.Show in Lonely Planet