eRepublik (Review)eRepublik (Review)

eRepublik is a browser strategy game with elements of social media. Players begin as a citizen of one of the countries and must work and train battle skills which are useful during the war. To survive in the eWorld you need just two clicks a day, and if anyone wants to involve more with it - also ha…

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Burgundy ( Bourgogne ). A voyage to Burgundy, France, Europe - Dijon, Chalon-sur-Saône, Nevers, Auxerre...Burgundy ( Bourgogne ). A voyage to Burgundy, France, Europe - Dijon, Chalon-sur-Saône, Nevers, Auxerre...

Burgundy is the spiritual heartland of two of France’s raisons d’être – food and wine. The vineyards along the Côte d’Or and the Côte des Nuits are littered with some of the most prestigious names in French wine­making. It’s also renowned for rich, meaty cooking – this is the place to try quintes…

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Fliplife (Review)Fliplife (Review)

Pursue your dream job, meet the love of your life and become a star, all in the browser based game Fliplife. Fliplife is a free-to-play simulation browser game, with colorful graphics and endless fun. You decide which career path you will follow, what hobbies and sports you will pursue in your spare…

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Smashmuck Champions (Review)Smashmuck Champions (Review)

Sometimes it’s nice to play something completely and utterly out there, so far from the norm that it becomes fun by default. Smashmuck Champions is one of those games: totally unique and a blast to play. Part fighter, part MOBA; Smashmuck doubles the action, reduces the size of the playing field and…

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