Aura Kingdom, a jaw-dropping new anime MMORPG, is created by the talented developers of fan-favorite Eden Eternal. Aura Kingdom will immerse you in a spellbinding world with curious creatures, fast-paced combat, and brilliant, majestic visuals.
Aura Kingdom's features:
- Interactive Companions: Journey with far more than simple pets at your side. Evolve your companions, utilize incredible combo attacks, and converse with them about your past exploits!
- Elaborate Skill Trees: Pick which abilities to power up according to your style of gameplay. Experiment with different strategies and change your skills often to fit any situation!
- Fluid and Fast-Paced Combat: Use an unprecedented level of mobility to your advantage! Glide through the environment and outmaneuver your enemies to survive dynamic attacks and abilities.
- A World of Wonder: Explore an unfamiliar world brought to life with a gorgeous, detailed anime art style. Face titanic bosses, delve into exotic dungeons, and climb massive towers!
Source: 2P