It is sometimes difficult to figure out the layout of house when you view them on blogs or in photos , this is the family room , I have shown you many times before , this is the view from the kitchen , I should show you the kitchen from the family room view...hope you wanted to see new photos of an old room ...

So here it is , my ample kitchen , it is not too big not too small , just right ...for me , the addition of that island where the table used to be was possible the best decision I made when making changes in this house.

A wide shot ...
The island is a soft blue , it is Gentle Tide by glidden ...

My newest tweak was adding the outdoor green lanterns flanking the fireplace , might just have to turn that on soon , it is mighty COLD outside , I even hear it is snowing in some parts , NOOOOOOO! say it isn't so .

I think it is time for me to dig out some Halloween decor , happy fall.
