Robin Stubbert contacted me a little while back asking me if I would consider my home being photographed for a decorating magazine , well only maybe , well !!!! let me think about it , " HECK YES , IT"S BEEN A LONG TIME DREAM OF MINE ", I was over the moon with excitement.
You will recognize Robin's work I am sure of it, numerous covers and many magazines credits to her name for magazines like Country Living{see below photo} , Style at Home {see her cover above}, Home & Country, Canadian House and Home just to name a few, Robin is so talented , I am so thrilled to have this shoot in such capable hands and that of a stylist , this is going to be a great experience , I am pinching myself .

I will admit that my first instinct is to quickly make some more improvements like scrape my dining room ceiling and to add a new trim treatment there but I need to just focus on the little last minute touches I have been meaning to complete , like the couple of stiles in the upstairs hall wainscoting and the cap piece of trim in on the bathroom beadboard , no better time to knock those off the list than just before a scheduled photo shoot . My time will be better spent cleaning and doing a few paint touch ups rather than starting something new, white trim needs the occasional attention .

Robin Stubbert click here

I will be sure to share with you this joyous experience my loyal and friendly followers and occasional readers , thanks for being here and helping me to create and inspiring me to work on project after project , you have all been such a motivator for me , I wouldn't be as successful a blogger as I have become without you all , I am nearing the million hit mark , how amazing is that and for all the doors blogging has opened for me , I am truly grateful .

I will admit that my first instinct is to quickly make some more improvements like scrape my dining room ceiling and to add a new trim treatment there but I need to just focus on the little last minute touches I have been meaning to complete , like the couple of stiles in the upstairs hall wainscoting and the cap piece of trim in on the bathroom beadboard , no better time to knock those off the list than just before a scheduled photo shoot . My time will be better spent cleaning and doing a few paint touch ups rather than starting something new, white trim needs the occasional attention .

Robin Stubbert click here