My 12 year old is soon going to be the same height as me without the heels, she is only about an inch shorter right now , that amazes me , I guess it is a safe bet she will be a great deal taller then me , but then again I am only 5'2" .

Silly bandz have also been making a big appearance , we had a late start , we had no idea what these were that is until mason stayed home one day from school and saw a story about it on Good Morning America , I have found these at of all places the dollar store .
I think she can take the blame for this new trend catching on here with her friends then so on and so on .
Since we have been going through a major heatwave we have been getting a lot of use out of our backyard pool we would have been shut ins without it , I even went swimming or dipping a few times myself . Sophie does this crazy surfing standing on a pool bed , it is hilarious.
I have been battling the heat , trying to keep my precious plants from harm ,trying to keep everything properly quenched.
And although most of my days are spent making food and cleaning up dishes I have been able to squeak in some finishing touches in the master bath , I just never got around to adding this top piece of trim that is on my to do list today .
Silly bandz have also been making a big appearance , we had a late start , we had no idea what these were that is until mason stayed home one day from school and saw a story about it on Good Morning America , I have found these at of all places the dollar store .
I think she can take the blame for this new trend catching on here with her friends then so on and so on .

We are finally getting some rain , a rain day is much appreciated , but I must admit I have been loving the heat .