These are absolutely my kind of sofa's the kinds I would love right now, but my sofa's are fine and plentiful, but when our sofa's wear out and are pitiful , we would like to buy some quality sofa's, which Iwe have never had, we go for more of the basic bargain great style washable type, I still believe in slipcovers as you can see, couldn't function without them, kinda easily disposable after 10 years of vigorous use. Actually I am looking into having a slipcover made locally for a 5 year old settee that is showing too much wear , its kinda gross, and my hubby seems disgusted by it. Mitchell Gold Even though I love this color I would opt for a grey linen, or heavy cream color. It just looks so comfortable.
Dr. Pitt , funny, I know the perfect house for this sofa, its not mine but I do know of one.When I see this , although it is slip covered , and washable, knowing how long it takes to wash a complete set of slipcovers this one would surely take days.
I can't say how much I love this chair we really could use a chair like this for the front room, I however opted for another practical purchase.
This Alex II is for sure the best in the land for me boxy , slip covered, white, sheer perfection.

I would really love a chaise someday too, for my bedroom maybe , if I move my seldom used exercise machine to the basement I might even have room for one.
I will now have oh 9 years to save up for these decadent purchases which will be no where to be found.
