I thought I could show you my before picture ,you won't judge me , this is what we are working on , a tiny bit at a time. This was a fully functional playroom only a few months ago, full of toys , books a tv , playpens , you name it but since I quit my daycare business I have slowly been donating and throwing away the excess which has left me with this cavity to create my work room . As you can see there is only up from here .

My workroom wish list
  • large island {already have the butcher block top waiting in my garage}
  • large chalk board
  • large black bookcase with sliding doors for mag's and baskets of stuff
  • bead board walls
  • laminate floors
  • small flat screen
  • two pendant lights
  • antique armoire for wrapping and craft things
  • large walk in closet for outerwear and ironing board and vacuums
  • kids hook area for their backpacks and extra outer wear
  • antique stools {also have two waiting for use}
This room would allow me to do more things like this . This sorter came with a canvas insert , which was ripped , I was about to see it go off to the dump and then I though maybe I could make new bags for it ,the easy solution was pillow cases and ribbon , I just used what I already had , a quick and easy free project .

I just had to share these two cute onesies , they really have cute stuff out there for babies, I will have fun finding these great items for new "niecphew"

I was not impressed that my 10 year old broke my swiffer , this has been a dusty place recently , I love the swiffer , but I have always felt guilty about the dust cloths , there is no way around it , its bad they are sytnhetic. Well I found an alternative and dare I say it is better than my swiffer , it is the OMOP by Method , the cloths are corn based and biodegradable , woohoo! and the sweeping pad is way bigger . The handle is bent so that it is easy to get under things like my couch and stove and other things I couldn't get under without hurting myself. Woo Hoo Method.
I should also say that I am so pleased with all the new earth friendly cleaners, I am not into all the harsh chemicals and fumes nor the fragrances, of course I love my vinegar good old fashioned cleaning. I am all about the non-toxic.

I love face cloth mitts , my Mom would always bring lovely ones back from her trips to Germany when I was a kid, they are great , but you can't find them here , with the exception of ones shaped like frogs or some other baby style creature , so I took some "guest" towels and cut them up into the perfect face cloth mitts for my girls , another free project by me this weekend, I must be on a roll. Workroom here I come , it felt so good to make these type of projects again .
