You know life takes twists and turns, we all at some point develop a picture of how we would like the future to unfold, but as we quickly learn life doesn't always follow the plan, things change people change, twists of fate.
I know I will not truly feel fulfilled until I can help people to transform their homes into an oasis of perfection , to each person that will be different, but I do believe you should always make your house a home, and I believe that transformation starts with creating a beautiful space, regardless of budget.
I have put that dream on hold to be available to my two girls , they were more important than my career fulfillment, I knew that could surely wait, however I still indulge in decorating my homes and extensively my current home, and if I never became so privileged to decorate for clients , it would always be my hobby, but if we are lucky life is long and I will continue to pursue that dream.

However I was thrown a wrench just over 4 years ago , when Sophie was diagnosed with an anaphylactic reaction to peanuts, I searched for a support group right away , a community to find a common ground, now many people are sympathetic, and make efforts, but I know there is a group of pissed off parents that feels their child is entitled to eat PB at any old time. We need the support of a group , that shares the desperate need to protect their children from a silent danger.
So what this diagnosis meant to me was a change in plans, I had always planned to start my career this September, however I still need to get through this year dealing with the concerns that having Sophie in a school full time, I need to be here IF anything should go wrong, not a broken bone , or stitches, those concerns are so minor to me, obviously, so needless to say I am here when I am needed.
I spoke with a woman, one of the founders of Ananphylaxis Canada this morning, regarding my concerns about the local bakery claiming peanut free products, she mentioned this area needs a support group, I know, we do , I have wanted to start one , and now I will, they will help me with information on how to start and run a support group, I just needed that push, so off I go.
I am really excited to begin, to meet other parents like myself and to help raise awareness, and to be there to offer advice and to compile the best information on anaphylaxis.
Wow a new chapter unfolds.