This is the reason people, some people will not even consider re-arranging items on a wall, yes it is work to fill holes sand them, prime them and then repaint . I touched up but didn't feel it was needed to re-paint the entire wall . That isn't too much work to freshen up a rooms arrangement a little touching up.
I have been considering painting my door black , lots of work right , but look at the after , oh what lovely impact , gorgeous , don't you love it ?

While out today I found this lovely piece at Pier 1 , isn't it fun , these are metal plates , and it is all attached , one big piece , who wants one of these?
This lamp is more of what this area needs , I love the shape , I just moved it from one spot to another , as well if you recall this is a grocery store purchase $30.00.
The mirror , isn't it great , is for Sophie's room , a little girl can not have enough mirrors , I will paint it antique white, I am working feverishly on her room , finishing the trim work , I am hoping to be finished by Sunday night. Wish me luck .