I just wanted to say thank you for your good wishes , I appreciate it so much . If the were to diagnose HHT with either of us it is treatable with surgery .

We are back from a very long day in Toronto , we started our day at Ikea had meatball lunch the girls love them too . Found a great deal on a new slipcover for my three seater sofa for $79.00 normally $209.00 so I was thrilled and it is always nice to have a back up .
Saw the meanest mom in the world , something that I am often accused of being, but after the girls witnessed this mom full of hate and anger towards her two young daughter's they saw how lovely a mom I really am , not perfect but not full of hate , I had to stop myself from saying something to her , I thought she might have hurt me if I had.
Oh I even was asked out of the blue for design advice , how funny is that , I helped a woman choose a red chaise for her living room , she didn't even know that I do design work , that totally cracked me up .

We got to the MRI department in the bowels of the hospital , got right in and got right to work , Sophie was nervous so I went in with her , they got her all snug as a bug , and things went very smoothly , I had ear phones , the you tube video really played down the noise that that machine makes , it was so loud , but it was over within 45 minutes , Sophie was relieved to get out and to go home .

For those who are new to the blog , Sophie has shown some symptoms of a disorder called HHT Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia , some of the symptoms are severe nose bleeds which she has always had , telangiectasia { little tangles of vessels} which she has one on her lip and VERY common location .
This HHT can cause brain and lung bleeds so they are taking this seriously , both Sophie and I have gone through genetic testing which was inconclusive which is why we are now having MRI and CT scans done , this will give them the best look to see if there are any vessel deformities that can cause bleeds .
That is about it , I will go into my personal experiences with our health care for you who are fearful with the impending possible gov health care system looming.

I will see you tomorrow with my new slipcover .... so excited .