This is not the only thing to be broken lately , things seems to be getting destroyed in droves lately , last week alone my Oster beehive blender was broken , my iron was knocked off the ironing board by careless maneuvering and the foot broken so now although it works it is a hazard , and my mixer , my crock pot and now this , feeling a little cursed.
Of course none of these things were broken by me but by an unnamed single member of my family , years back it was my husband who used to break my precious finds , he has since become much more careful and he hasn't broken a thing in years , although he did wash a barfed on slipcover cushion cover in WARM water yesterday , so maybe it won't fit , we will soon see if it still fits, cross your fingers.
In remembrance of my broken green cake stand I chose green for the color of this recent batch of sugar cookies , such a pretty shade , don't you think ?
This is how I ice my cookies , I pipe the shape just in from the edge of the cookies , this allows me to flood the cookie with icing.
Then I sloppily fill in the center with a generous amount of icing , using the tip I can guide the icing into any empty spaces.