I little Christmas decor added to the boudoir...I fell in love with these paper crafts , and bring them out each year at Christmas time to add some festivity to the bedrooms, Sophie had kitties, as well as Mason has kitties.
Here is the bedroom Christmas tree, full of presents, no not matching my color scheme , I have to be practical and use the paper we have, I would love to see a sea of white and silver gifts , oh that would be perfect.
We had my family for dinner and time together last night , we had a very nice time , Mom and Lawrence made Martini's using Oprah's pomegranate recipe , so good. Janice gave me a lovely hostess gift I went gaga over this canape cutter tin , so me , I love it , thought you all would love it too. http://www.oprah.com/foodhome/food/recipes/food_20051123_drink.jhtml