Well I got my chair , picked it up tonight a couple of cities away , but I nearly lost it , while blog surfing I happened upon a comment and checked out a few posters , to my surprise there I found my chair , the blogger was asking which chair she should buy "mine" or another lovely chair , what how could this happen , how could I come across someone wanting the exact same chair listed? Too crazy , so no time to wait , the seller did mention I should pick it up asap as there was another wanting it , a well boned and bargain priced chair. Phew!

That was my first Craig's List experience , pretty good, I still can't believe that the first time that I decide to look for a chair like the one that I got and to find one and near by , sorry Kay if this gets to you. No zebra stripes for this chair I do feel bad a little , but it was perfect I am sure it would have looked nice either way , but my vision is much lighter and Swedish inspired for sure.

I love my kids, they are learning so much from me, and my ways, when my youngest who is 6 got a good look at the chair in the house she grabbed the arms and said "this chair is gonna need some changes, first the fabric is gross and the wood will need painting white " , good girl she has learned my ways.
Very soon it will be done, ok , it arrived at 8:00pm , how long will it take me? Painted a light shade the pale greys as suggested.