Sophie keeps stealing these flowers from my neighbour's they are on the outside of the fence poking through so I told her that makes it ok to pick them , aren't they gorgeous, what are they , they die so quickly after being cut or stolen, what ever you call it .

Look at the mess I am making , I know it will look its best when it is done but man is this the worst thing in a house to paint, I say yes. Its only going to take 3-4 coats for all of it , some is done some is just started, it will be a while yet.

Todd picked up my bargain dresser , it was previously shabby chic'd very brown, it already has a coat of white , it will look so cute when it is done, I will keep it posted , oh this is the in real life before . Isn't he the best he got home so late from picking it up, he's a good guy.