This old dusty piece of glass was the inspiration I needed to make the header over the kitchen door into a "transom" OK its not the real thing but it is the next best thing , and I am all over that !
What held me back to considering this project or any project using this old piece of glass was the awful gold painted diamond pattern , so 70's , ewww! but then it occured to me , I can scrape it off and use it for something , can't I ?

I took out my razor scraper and quickly removed all the gold lines, I then used goo gone to remove any more residue , and then I used vinegar and water to really get the glass squeaky clean. Then onto cutting using the glass cutter , the yellow tool .

I then measured the space I had in the header and then marked out my glass for cutting , I made a channel with painters tape to keep me on track, it is hard to keep a straight line when scoring and cutting glass, I cut it a little on the small side , you can't force glass.

After sanding the newly cut edges with sand paper I then proceeded to frosting one side of the glass , with two light coats of this frosting spray , I love this stuff ...

Voila , frosted glass for pennies...

I then took this Glidden paint color I had from our old bedroom color , Shadow Dream and I painted the insert area this hint of blue color.

I hot glued this glass into place on the edges only , this would be covered up by the small cove moulding I would also hot glue into place to finish the edges and secure everything didn't want to mess with hammer and nails in such a tight space.... so there you go easy transom , no holes , no dust , no problem.
I only have 8 foot ceilings , so you don't need souring ceilings to achieve this look ... and if you want to create this look you can remove your existing casings and start over , it really is a doable project all you need it stock MDF primed boards... I only have this treatment on the one side and only on the one door , a little bit of character.