13 more days until school is back in , until I can breathe and get things done , 13 days until I have a clean room for more than 10 minutes at a time ,in 13 more days I will have 7 straight hours where I will need to cook for NO ONE! in 13 days I will enjoy the peace of not hearing my children get into a fight for 7 hours in a row, it is just out of reach.
Can you tell I am looking forward to school?

I wanted to show you how talented my cousin is , look at this ceiling , he installed this , it is incredible , don't you want a ceiling like this ?

I am dying to get back to my laundry room transformations , but with these kids home from school for what seems like a million years it is impossible to get anything done around here , between the food preparation , and the cleaning up from the food messes I have no time for progress.

I thrive on progress . I really don't enjoy living in limbo , my bathroom is a disaster , maybe I will pull an all nighter .

I thought since I have nothing new to show you I would show you this beautiful laundry room , isn't it great ?

Things to do after school starts

~finish up the basement ceiling

~finish up the basement insulation

~learn how to install electrical outlets and lights for the basement YIKES ! , I have a big spool of wire just waiting to be used

~finish off beadboard wainscot in the bathroom , as well re-frame the bathroom door

~install door into new walk-in basement closet

~finish the remodel of our bedroom adding 5 foot high recessed paneling and re-painting the brown out of the bedroom

~finish the basement stairs

that should keep me busy well into October