Shiny baskets... I came across these handy baskets as the grocery store , gosh we have a great grocery store, I knew they would be perfect for organizing my office as well they have a vintage vibe , I may make them over with some spray paint , but I do want to keep things pretty simple in my office.
A few vintage pieces warm up this space , like this chipped frog and the pine caddy which I am using for pens and and scissors.

I also picked up a tray for my on the go designs.

I know I have been going on and on about my new found office so I thought I would show you a few of the places I have found our Moe lately , I guess he is trying some new nap locations.
Today I found him here at the head of the dining room table , which is fine , not a problem , just kind of funny , have never seen him there before .

Some times he thinks he is a cat...and stands on ledges to watch birds and other animals.

The other day I found him here , he knew he was wrong , that is the dining room TABLE , this is how he got back at me for locking him out of the family room , so he would slip outside while the kids were swimming , he goes nutty and tries to catch the splashes of water and circles the pool , it's not cute, it must be prevented .

This is just plain old cute, don't you think so .
