A gazebo is a beautiful spot for a wedding , Saturday the rain held off until after all the festivities had taken place , how lucky were we?

Here is my Father and my two brother's

Even Bruce the rescued pug got dressed up for the occasion in his tuxedo , he tolerated it so well .

I love this photo it is soft focus , it just speaks volumes to me , my Dad is happy Jean is holding his hand so lovingly , they are good for each other , I am happy that they found each other , I am so pleased that both of my parents have found great partners to share their lives with .

This was a lovely surprise a picnic basket with our names on it ? huh? was this really for us ? yes it was a gift to each family a beautiful fully loaded picnic basket , it has pringles , gummy bears , teddy bears for the girls ,dished and glasses all to be enjoyed at the picnic following the ceremony . Isn't that just a wonderful idea. I could only imagine the task of finding that many picnic baskets , it took scouring cities , easier said than done , but well worth the effort , we will be sure to use it often .

Don't they look happy , I saw them whisper "I love you" to each other , you can tell they really meant it , I wish them the best .

I tried to get a nice family shot , this is what I was able to get , oh well better than nothing I guess.