I am slowly starting to put back together my bathroom , look at this sweet job I did fitting the beadboard around the counter and down around the drawers , this was quite a challenge {click on the photo to see my handy work}, but it fits like a glove , I am so impressed with my skills , I have come so far , patience was the key , I really need to get a table saw though , it would make cuts like this much easier .

I have shown my bedroom before ,here it is again maybe some haven't seen it before, actually I can call this the official {before} shot because soon it will be changing , all the furniture is staying the same , but soon this will be a vision of cottage chic , light ,soft and dreamy , really this will be my dream come true.

Look at my wee poor puppy , we needed to pull out the dreaded {cone} , he is having the worst case of hay fever ever , he looks sore and ill, and when not wearing the cone he scratches his face to bleeding , he even has conjunctivitis caused by the allergies and scratching , so I have to give him polysporin eye ointment, he loves that , it is breaking my heart to see him so uncomfortable .
Damn RAGWEED ! my girls are also allergic but only have the sniffles { thank my lucky stars for that }, we are going trough Benadryl like crazy , I hope ragweed season is a short one.